Terms of Use
Note: The website user should read the present terms of use of our website www.interasco.gr. If you use the aforementioned website, it is automatically considered that you have unconditionally accepted these terms.
1. General Terms
This website www.interasco.gr (hereinafter referred to as “the website”) belongs to the Non-Life insurance company INTERASCO S.A.G.I. Address: 44, Vas. Georgiou Ave, 15233 Chalandri, S.A. Register Number 61225/05/Β/06/11, GECR: 7057801000, Tel.:(+0030) 2106793100 (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). The use of our website, the subscription to the Company’s e-services and their use imply full and unconditional acceptance on your behalf, the visitor and/or user (hereinafter referred to as the “visitor/user”) of the following terms. For that reason, please read carefully the following terms of use.
The website operates on 24/7 basis, and provides to the visitor/user information on the products and services offered by the Company. At the same time, if you wish to subscribe as a user of our e-services, you can have direct access to your personal information in order to edit them, you can view your insurance policies, read and print the terms from your computer, as well as pay your policies, regardless of the insurance class, in real time, using your debit or credit card.
2. Intellectual Property
The website and its contents, such as texts, photos, information, design, trade marks, commercial logos, graphic design, and especially the information regarding the Company’s products and services, are exclusive intellectual property of the Company, are solely intended for personal, non-commercial use on behalf of the visitors/users, and are protected by the Greek, European and international legislation on the protection of intellectual property and on unfair competition.
3. Use
Visitors/Users are forbidden from copying, reproducing, disseminating, distributing, broadcasting or making any other use of the above, apart from the use expressly stipulated in these terms, and as they apply each time.
The visitors/users are obliged to use the website and the e-services provided in accordance with the law and the public morality, not to use the website in order to publish, send or transmit in any way illegal, threatening, offensive, obscene, vulgar, libelous, defamatory content, content expressing racial or other discriminations or offending minors, not to proceed in any acts or omissions violating privacy, intellectual property rights of the Company or of third parties or that may harm the usage and operation of the website or affect the provision of services by the website. The users of the Company’s e-services are personally responsible for safeguarding the privacy of personal passwords they use for accessing these e-services.
The visitors/users are liable to the Company in case of violation of the above obligations, and the Company has the right to claim compensation from them for any damage the Company may have suffered as a result of their behavior.
4. Personal Data
Anyone can browse the website without having to provide personal information and data (visitor).
If you wish to subscribe to the Company’s e-services and have access to them via the codes you will obtain during your registration (user), you will be asked by the system at the registration phase to provide certain personal information that will be saved in the Company’s records.
Please refer to the Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection statement for information regarding the processing of personal data.
In the interest of protection, and in accordance with applicable law, critical personal data of your debit or credit card (card number, cvv2/cvc2 number, expiration date) are not stored in the website. You will be prompted via the website to provide this data every time you use the electronic payment service and you will be required to provide them in order to complete the requested premium payment. The payment process is carried out via the service of EUROBANK that provides safety of the user’s transactions via internet, as well as of his/her personal data. For the use of e-payment services additions terms of use apply.
The provision of information during your registration as a user and their keeping in archive are necessary for the proper creation of your electronic personal image and respectively for the provision by the Company of the services and information that concern you personally and that you request whenever entering the system.
If you are a user of our e-services, we inform you that the Company, as a controller of personal data, keeps a record of the data that come to its knowledge and stored to its system according to the above, in accordance with law 2472/1997, in compliance with the applicable Community and national laws, as applicable every time, and already with General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (GDPR) These data are processed by the Company for as long as you are an active user (i.e. for as long as you do not request the deletion of your account) in order for the Company to provide the service and support of your needs and requests, to monitor and manage our transactional relationship, and to promote our products and services depending on your profile.
The Company is committed to the lawful processing of the data kept and the protection of the users’ personal data, as well as of the data of its customers, in accordance to the necessary purpose each time and to that end the Company applies the appropriate technical and organizational measures, in order to ensure their maximum possible protection.
Access, objection and correction rights
In any case, as a user you reserve the rights to update, access, correct, as well as delete your data, provided that their processing is no longer necessary and you also have any other right in accordance with the provisions of the applicable each time law.
You have the right, whenever you wish, to object to the use of your e-mail address data for the purposes of publicizing and promoting products and/or services of the Company in general according to the above, by notifying the Company’s customer service department either via e-mail at info@interasco.gr either by calling at +30 210 6793100.
User’s explicit consent
During your registration as user via the website you must read these terms and accept them unconditionally. By accepting these terms, you explicitly consent to the use of your personal data by the Company according to the above. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, upon notifying in written the Company’s Customer Service Department, by sending a relevant e-mail at info@interasco.gr or by calling at +30 210 6793100. It should be noted that the withdrawal of your consent entails the discontinuation of your right to access the Company’s e-services and the ability to use them.
5. Website operation
The Company reserves the right to amend, update or delete the content, the structure, the design and/or the technical specifications of the website in part or in whole whenever deemed appropriate and without prior notice of the visitor/user. Furthermore, the Company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the operation of the website without prior notice of the visitor/user. The Company offers its services and products having the full freedom to define the commercial, pricing and deducting policy. Any amendment on behalf of the Company will be announced via the website by updating these terms of use.
6. Limitation of Liability
The Company makes every possible effort so as the information published in its website and regards the Company’s products and services to be correct, up-to-date and complete. Any errors in published information (such as the description, the provided coverage, the stated price etc.) may arise from various factors, e.g. technological faults, typos, human errors and other. If you notice such an error before or even after the completion of your website visit, you are kindly requested to inform the Company’s Customer Service either via e-mail at info@interasco.gr either by calling at +30 210 6793100. The Company will do its best to fix the problem as soon as possible, taking care to provide proper service to the visitors/users.
The Company is not liable for such events or for events due to force majeure, such as natural disasters, strikes etc., as well as reasons that cannot be attributed to its liability, such as malfunctions of the Online Payments Processing provider (Bank), of the Host Provider, of the Internet Services Provider or of the Access Provider.
The website and the authorized team of experts managing the website are responsible for the validity of the information provided to the visitor/user, but do not substitute or replace the opinion, advice or suggestion of the insurance broker, advisor or agent of the customer and user.
Στοιχεία Υπεύθυνου Επεξεργασίας:
Βασ.Γεωργίου 44 & Κάλβου, Χαλάνδρι Αττικής, 15233
Στοιχεία Υπεύθυνου Προστασίας Προσωπικών Δεδομένων (DPO):
Βασ.Γεωργίου 44 & Κάλβου, Χαλάνδρι Αττικής, 15233
Στοιχεία Αρχής Προστασίας Δεδομένων Προσωπικού Χαρακτήρα (ΑΠΔΠΧ):
Κηφισίας 1-3, Τ.Κ. 115 23, Αθήνα